Monday, May 18, 2009

Dear Mademoiselle

Name : Chanel
Nickname : Coco
Mission: Revolutionizing womens outfits

Mademoiselle Chanel embodies fashion liberty and Elegance . She's originally the one who gave birth to modernity in fashion: ending corsets, wearing mens outfits are so many elements which contributed to renew fashion.
Who's better than a women can dress another women ?
With her very distinguish way to speak and her skinny silhouette, Coco built the origins of the most recognizable fashion empire. Respectful of women's body, she early knew that fashion didn't aimed at overshowing, it aimed at revealing essential elegance. Being labeled by labels and shaped by fashion trends is breaking the real sense of style . Attitude comes from the inside and breaking common trends is igniting personal trend.

Chanel Home


For Mens

For Womens

Chanel show
* « Dans une réception, si l'on dit à une femme : quelle belle robe ! c'est que sa robe est ratée. Mais si l'on dit : quelle belle femme ! c'est que sa robe est réussie. »