Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Fashion Island Story

When comes fashion week time, trend setters are getting crazy. It's time for fashion gossips, speculations and others hectic surprises. Lost in this fashion jungle, it's impossible to find the way out 'cause it's not existing. Fashion is a ONE WAY road which drives you straight on Passion road just on the left side after Obsession road.
Fashion effervescence is flirting with contradiction:
balancing between uninterrupted connection and new records, it ignites fashion week vibes. Spotting new trends, lauding "IT girls" of the season, flirting with "IT designer bags", Front Rows sitters ect...
The same fashion debates are fuelling fashionista's mind, DTNB (understand it as "Don't Tell My Booker") parties are running, and latest Marc Jacobs collections are bubbling people's mind.

I am not sure you're understanding where I want to drive you but I will tell you a story and you will understand much better (maybe or not).

Once upon a time in a fashion island, lost in an ocean of talent...

... Actually this fashion island was quite far away from fashion turmoil. It was really hard to access it; Only one word could make you access this special place;
6 magic letters had to be pronounced to enter this very secretive island : T.A.L.E.N.T.

Each time those six letters were said,
was raising the island out of the ocean;
Sparkled and daily cradled, the fashion Island was the most prestigious one of the universe.
It was a secret talent place.
Devoted artists, clever market managers, or fashion insiders were sitting in trees, just on the summit to touch the sky and to kiss Stars.
Dedicated to fashion, tradition, excellence, they were feeding fashion industry secret memory. Far away from spotlights, but, closer to fashion reality, fashion Talents made fashion dream true :
Building a collection-Making a dress shine-Marketing it-Booking models-Running a show-Taking pictures was their daily duties...
Each day of work was represented by puzzle pieces which were joining others in a giant puzzle cut dress. Facing the ocean, this Couture dress was dazzling more and more each day.
Step by step, puzzle pieces were put together to reveal tradition, secrets and codes of fashion labels.

But what if fashion island disappeared
to be replaced by a type of fashion Utopia?
What if fashion dreams were only dissimulated behind fashion spotlights?

There's an hidden fashion face which is not necessarily revealed to the public. It content the roots of fashion art.