The Australian designer reformed garments, shapes, conventions. More concerned about the interaction between body and clothes, he considered garments as instruments of self confidence. L.Bowery is a perfect example of it . He dressed and inspired. His outrageous style has been lauded by singers such as Boy George and revisited by today's designers ( Gareth Pugh). Bowery transmited us a modern thinking of fashion. Totally unconcerned with aestheticism and conventions, he's a magician of silhouettes. He gives audacity to garments and makes people react. Subtleties of silhouette are one of the big part of his reflexion. Body is giving dimension to clothes. Fashion became Bowery experimentation. He fit his clothes in his silhouette and he even displaced his flesh to extend the universe of clothes on body. Bowery liked showing off.
His Art of garment is reforming shapes of body. He said "I rather think that I reform the body than I am deforming it". Disturbing and entertaining was his main goal. He didn't considered himself as a fashion designer but he brought more to fashion industry than a status. He gave liberty to clothes and bodies. Leigh was a freaking Diva with a real sense of foolishness in a too conventional world.
Bowery style

Bowery inspires
Alexander MC queen Show

Boy George. Leigh designed for him clothes in the late 80's. The singer contributed to makes Leigh