France is known for elegance and stylishness.
But where does it come from? It has been built thanks to very famous designers, but does it mean that all french people have an understanding of elegance and style?
What started with prestigious designers such as Chanel, developped into a lifestyle.
Is Paris the worlds fashion capital's? We can't say that.
Historically it is, nevertheless others cities are truly involved in fashion trends. Paris isn't the one.
But what makes french people different?
Paris is commited to a strong history of fashion. Most of the worldwide designers are looking for hosting their collections in the city.
Paris is the place to be!
A strong sense of tradition, an ability to impress by beautifull historical places, and a very snobbish attitude is the secret of this powerful image.
French fashion gene is like a mystery which can't be translated in the worldwide fashion language.
Paris is hosting the most beautifull shows, but Milan, London and New york too.
The origins of french fashion sense have to be founded back in the time.
The association of paris with style dates from the reign of Louis XIV. The "étiquette" was a list of codes which was applied in french court. All these codes are born under the control of royalty. Then, they have been transmitted through the generations.
The fashion press appeared in the early 1670 in Paris. Thanks to Jean Donneau De Visé, notions such has" changing trends", "seasons", have been popularized.
Historically most of the top designers are french: Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, Christian Louboutin, Jean Charles de Castelbajac, Louis Vuitton, Lanvin, Chloé, Hermès...
Paris is associated to this trendy image because of this powerful history.
Modern haute couture is born in Paris. Now, the "Chambre syndicale de la haute couture" ( high fashion institution) declares that being a haute couture brand means that you produced all your collection in Paris. Very snobbish, isn't it? Haute couture is very protected in Paris because it's belong to french identity.
Being snobbish creates distance between french people and the others. It makes french fashion identity. But anyway, being fashionable implies a snobbish attitude too.
Paris is noticed for haute couture and the city is exporting it's own vocabulary: haute couture, corset, pret-à-porter, chic, je ne sais quoi...
All around the world, fashion people are speaking french too.
With this strong universe of fashion, how french people could be out of it. They are born with a capital of fashion which influence (or not) the way they speak. It explains the manner french people express when they're clothed and shoed.
Paris reveals it's own determination to keep the same level of quality and tradition in each fashion week.The city generated a devoted wave of successfull designers.
But the fundamental of a french people looking elegant is coming from the inside. Looking elegant doesn't mean wearing expensive clothes. It's just a way to wear them with discretion, attitude and a lot of allure.
Being an elegant french is possible in being nude. People are giving a soul to the clothes. It's come from the inside.
That's what's make french elegance.
But what is the french style ?
Accessorize it... !!!!

with :
Very frenchy candies !!!